Based on Chairman's long term dream , he has started this BEST School to give the best to students by moulding them as IAS & other higher officials, talented Doctors, great Scientist, famous Sports personalities and best Philosophers of the country in future.
Every student should carry his or her almanac to the school every day.
It is compulsory for every student to come to School in full uniform (including ID card, Tie and Footwear) on all working days
Students must keep their hair neat, tidy and well combed. Girls should plait their hair. They must not let the hair loose. Wearing fancy and colourful hair clips and ear rings are not allowed. Girls are instructed not to wear ankle socks. Boys must have regular hair cut.
Students should have clean and trimmed nails.
Makeup and nail varnish are unacceptable
Students should reach school by 9.00a.m.
Irregular attendance, habitual late comers, disobedience or objectionable behaviour of any kind may result in dismissal.
No student is permitted to leave the class during class hours, except for an urgent reason and that too with the out pass.
Use of unfair means during examination will be dealt with severity.
Lending or borrowing of others articles is not permitted.
Students should not bring any sharp items to the school.
Students absenting themselves from school for more than 3 days have to submit an explanatory letter to the Principal written by Parent or Guardian
Attendance is compulsory on certain days of the academic year:
Days on which classes are not held for some other important co-curricular activities such as Teachers’ Day, Annual Sports, Foundation Day etc.
During sports practice sessions.
Absenteeism on those compulsory attendance days will be dealt with sternly.
Students being late or absent must have the reason entered in the Regularity record. This should be duly signed by the guardian and the teacher concerned. If the reason is of a confidential nature the guardian may write a separate letter.
Medical certificate should be produced for absence due to contagious diseases.
70 percent attendance is compulsory; failing which the student will not be allowed to sit for the examination.